crueless (1 out of 10 ) this script is as horrible as the film itself
Anna (10 out of 10 ) This movie is GREAT! I think Mars is cute!
Walter (5 out of 10 ) I love this movie... and now I just wanna read the script.
Steph (10 out of 10 ) This movie rocked a WHOLE bunch...I don't understand why people waste their time to comment and rate a movie that they hate so much b/c I sure don't...oh well...
charles (10 out of 10 ) i think the movie was awsome when i read the script i was inspired to right one. yeah and the guy who calls himself crueless you obviously didn't have you still gave it 1 point.
marie (10 out of 10 ) i think the movie was AMAZING. When my brother first put it on i was like "oh no i don't feel like watching it", my brother told me to sit down and watch it cuz he saw it before and he really like it. i was amaze in how good Bruce willis was(he's always amazing). Evryone in dat movie was fabulous.i also own a DVD.
Jesse (5 out of 10 ) Rob Crais is one of my favorite writers. This film was bad however. If you want to read some good stuff try "demolition angel", that they should have made a movie with!
Bethany (10 out of 10 ) I think this movie it awesome and for those who don't I think you need a brain transplant so yeah!
Dave (10 out of 10 ) Great movie.
kk (8 out of 10 ) It was good but I thought mars was the ugliest thing that I have ever ever seen. But I still like the movie. Yay!
favbraty88 (8 out of 10 ) Personally I didn't think hostage was that bad. There was a good story and strong plot. What was wrong with it?
Lila (10 out of 10 ) For me Hostage is a perfect thriller. And the fact that it contains components of detective and drama as well is unchallengeable.
MobileInfo (10 out of 10 ) I do think this movie is excellent. I have watched it for five times, just like Burce Wills' another movie the Sixth Sense, he's amazing. Good performance.
Markmywords (6 out of 10 ) Is it me, or is this script an early one, before some major rewrites? The last scene, I came here because it was hard to tell who shot who, it happened so fast in the dark. But this script has different dialogue, different plot, and one of the "bad guys" who dies in the actual film stays alive in this script. WTF?